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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO / pascal / stream13.zip

Text (15)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
COMPRESS.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 103 4KB 1992-05-18
CRC16.ASM Assembly Source File 119 5KB 1992-05-12
CRC32.ASM Assembly Source File 192 8KB 1992-05-12
CRCARC.ASM Assembly Source File 103 4KB 1992-05-12
ENCRYPT.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 75 2KB 1992-05-18
HUFFCOMP.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 124 4KB 1992-05-18
HUFFMAN.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 353 10KB 1992-05-18
LOGDEMO.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 55 1KB 1992-05-18
LZWSTREA.ASM Assembly Source File 680 19KB 1992-02-10
OVR1.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 15 178b 1992-03-31
OVR2.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 15 178b 1992-03-31
OVRDEMO.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 70 1KB 1992-05-18
STREAMS.DOC Text File 1,095 40KB 1992-05-18
STREAMS.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 2,363 68KB 1992-05-18
XMSSTRM.INC Text File 363 10KB 1992-05-05

Other Files (4)
CRC16.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 722b 1992-05-13
CRC32.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1992-05-13
CRCARC.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 729b 1992-05-13
LZWSTREA.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 3KB 1992-02-10